Super Reflexes: Her Dexterity stat is as high as Vraxx's, but she is only human.Underground Railroad: Cassidy helped slaves escape to the north, which made her lose her badge and made her go on the run for a couple of years.Vampire Hunter: Hunted down vampires for Abraham Lincoln of all people.
Bodvar brawlhalla combos skin#
She even has a skin for it.Ī riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in Ivaldic battle armor. Orion has a below-average strength stat but has well-rounded stats everywhere else, leading him to be a good rushdown legend for beginners and advanced players alike. What makes Orion so different from the rest of the cast is how his signatures are extremely versatile. Some let him get in, others let him punish overaggressive plays from his opponents. However, be wary of going too gung-ho with his kit, as it's easy to get so caught up in the chase that enemies can punish your overaggression with their own defensive sigs. Bling of War: While not practical for fighting, his default skin is a golden yellow.Dark Lord on Life Support: Apart from his not really being a "Dark Lord".Came from the Sky: Or more or less space.Bounty Hunter: His Orion For Hire skin. Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: Rare heroic example.Everythings Betterwith Samurai: Orion's Kabuto skin.His armour includes thrusters and wings, sure, but it's first and foremost what prevents him from dying. Mysterious Past: No one outside of the Valkyries and the greater gods of Valhalla even know what Orion is.Apparently he's awakened something that's meant to kill anything not of this world.

What the Hell Are You?: Apparently no one knows.Powered Armor: Has jet-pack-like thrusters on his back and feet.Though it seems he had crossed paths with Lucien before, since the highwayman goes into incoherent rage whenever he sees Orion. Note Well, Ulgrim knows since he built his armour, and Artemis likely does since she's dedicated to ending him.